MMSTECH058: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013 Expert

Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Expert

This PowerPoint 2013 course explores expert level features that all users will benefit from. Over the course of 12 modules students will learn how to learn more with shapes, how to embed and link to objects, all about action buttons, how to insert, edit and play videos, how to protect your presentation, checking for compatibility, setting up a show, creating macros, and managing add-ins.


Doing More with Shapes

This module shows students how to edit shapes, arrange shapes, group and ungroup shapes, add text to shapes, and how to rotate and flip shapes.


Embedding Objects in a Presentation

PowerPoint 2013 allows you to embed several types of objects in a presentation to enhance your work. This module gives students the tools for inserting an embedded object, editing an embedded object, using embedded objects in a presentation, and deleting embedded objects.


Linking Objects in a Presentation

A linked object in a presentation acts as a shortcut to the file. Changes made to the linked file automatically are carried over to the presentation. Here, students will learn how to: create a linked object, open the linked item, update linked objects, use linked objects in a presentation and how to delete linked objects.


Working with Action Buttons, Part One

An action button is a special type of AutoShape and can be used for several purposes, but are commonly used to link to specific slides in a presentation. In this module students are shown how to: use action buttons to link to other files, link to custom shows, link to other slides, link to websites and how to delete an action button.


Working with Action Buttons, Part Two

This is a further look at action buttons which gives students insight into how to: design an action button, create a basic mouse over action button, and clear the action.


Inserting and Editing Videos

Videos can be used to enhance presentations in many powerful ways. This module gives students the tools to: insert a video from your computer, apply a style to a video, crop a video, correct a video, recolor a video, and apply or remove a poster frame.


Playing Video Files

After you’ve added videos to your presentation, you need to know how to play them and this module allows students to do just that. This module shows users: how to add and remove bookmarks, trim videos and add fades, set playback options, and play a video during a presentation.


Protecting Your Presentation

It’s always a good idea to inspect your presentation for personal information, invisible content, or comments or notes before distributing it to others. These goals will be accomplished by showing students how to: run the Document Inspector, run the Accessibility Checker, mark a presentation as final, and how to encrypt presentations with a password.


Checking for Compatibility

The Compatibility Checker is used to check for objects in a presentation that may not work or be displayed properly in earlier versions of PowerPoint. Here, students are given the tools to: run the Compatibility Checker, convert presentations from older PowerPoint formats, save presentations as older PowerPoint formats, and set compatibility options.


Setting up Your Show

Users can adjust a number of basic options before starting a presentation. This module shows students how to: use the Set Up Show dialog, choose show elements, hide and show slides, and rehearse timings.


Creating Macros

Macros are handy for running simple tasks in a presentation. This module provides the skills for users to: enable the Developer tab, set macro security, create a macro, run a macro, and delete a macro.


Managing Add-Ins

Add-ins are essentially small programs that you can install and enable to add custom commands and new features to most Office applications, including PowerPoint 2013. Students are shown in this module how to: view add-ins, manage add-ins, and change add-in settings.